
Hi, I’m Danny. I’m a Movement Health and Sports Performance Coach based out of New York.

I have been dedicated to helping individuals overcome their internal and external limitations and create optimal and sustainable fitness lifestyles for the last decade.

My approach is holistic and individualized. That is, I seek to understand you as an individual, and work from a place that seeks to grow the connection between your mind, body, and spirit towards the fitness lifestyle you want to create.

I am also an athlete, and have been focused on Olympic Weightlifting since graduating from college. I occasionally compete in the 96kg or 102kg weight class, and my best Snatch and Clean & Jerk performances are 130kg/158kg or 285lbs/350lbs. I am a former member for the Navy Judo team, and have been a life-long student of various martial arts from a young age.

Some of my credentials include:

  • NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
  • Postural Restoration Institute Certificates (+100 hours)
  • Bachelors degree from Columbia University, where I studied Physics and English Lit.

Early on in my career, I worked in the finance industry executing mergers and acquisitions for technology companies. One important thing I learned during that period, was how to identify and create synergies between great people, products, and services (that is, in some cases we can make 1+1 = 3).

What I mean by this, is that the whole is equal to more than the sum of its parts. Making simple, intelligent, and conscious choices can amplify the results of our efforts. Creating a fitness and training lifestyle that is optimal and sustainable for you, means that it can, and should, seamlessly augment every part of your life and more.

Quick fun fact about me. On my free time, I enjoy making elaborate meals, and I enjoy sharing it others even more.

I’d invite you to reach out to me by email or phone for an initial consultation, where we can begin to discuss where it is you’d like to go, and what limitations or obstacles are standing in the way.

You can use the button below to schedule a free consultation, or simply reach out to me at dannychoi10@gmail.com.