We Love to See Our Clients Win

“For years, I struggled with chronic shoulder and back pain that no physical therapy, chiropractic care, or injections could resolve. I tried everything, but nothing provided lasting relief. Then I met Danny, and everything changed. In just six weeks, his holistic and individualized approach has not only brought my pain levels down from a 7 to nearly zero but also transformed my mindset. 

Danny’s method is different—he deeply understands the connection between the mind and body. Through personalized posture restoration, mobility work, and functional movement, he gave me the tools to manage my symptoms and prevent future flare-ups.

What stood out the most was the level of one-on-one care and his commitment to addressing my specific needs, both physical and psychological. I no longer feel stuck in the cycle of pain and anxiety, and I’m more confident than ever as I start medical school. 

With Danny’s guidance, I’m not just pain-free—I’m stronger, more resilient, and ready to take on the challenges ahead, from the demands of medical school to a five-day hike in Peru.”

Nic Manfredi

I’d been self-coaching for a year, but shoulder and knee injuries had stalled my progress. Danny’s ability to fine-tune my lifts and adapt to my body’s natural tendencies was a game changer. Not only did he help me recover from injury, but he also helped me push past my plateau, taking my total from 700 to 1000 pounds. Danny’s attention to detail and personalized approach make all the difference.”

Tony W.

“I went from feeling out of control with my diet and energy levels to waking up refreshed, making confident choices, and performing at my peak in both my personal and professional life.

 Danny helped me eliminate pain, reconnect with myself, and rediscover a level of emotional balance I hadn’t felt in years, which has transformed my relationships and focus at work.

I learned to break through my perceived limitations, and now I approach every challenge—whether in the gym or in my career—with confidence, grit, and a ‘let’s try’ mindset.”

Jack P.

“Danny took my Olympic lifts from average to elite, and his coaching helped me place in the 95th percentile in CrossFit worldwide.”

“I came to Danny with the goal of competing in CrossFit, but my Olympic lifts were weak. In two and a half years, he helped me take my snatch from 125 to 220 and my clean and jerk from 150 to 295. Beyond the numbers, Danny changed how I see my body and my training. His insights into mechanics and technique gave me a deeper understanding of movement that I use in every lift now. If you’re serious about your goals, Danny is the coach who can get you there.”

Jarod F.

“When I started Olympic weightlifting with Danny, I was recovering from an injury and had a lot of limitations. Thanks to his expertise in body mechanics and pain management, I can now train without flare-ups. Every session with him builds my confidence and improves my technique. Even on off days, I know exactly what to do if I experience discomfort. Danny is not just a coach, he’s a guide through the entire journey.”

Sophia R.

Working with Danny has been a game changer. At 55, I never thought I could achieve a full-depth squat or feel this level of control over my body. The scientific approach you bring has not only helped me overcome knee and back pain, but it has also transformed the way I move, breathe, and train. I feel stronger, leaner, and more capable than ever, even after 30 years in the gym.”

Greg G.

“I worked with Danny for about a year, and he completely transformed my training. Despite being in the gym for years, I wasn’t progressing as much as I wanted. Danny identified my exact needs, fixed my technique, and eliminated my back pain. I hit new strength PRs like 225 for 13 on squats, but more importantly, I built a sustainable foundation for long-term health. If you want a coach who really listens and delivers results, Danny is the one.”

Kyle K.

“Weightlifting has given me a reason for fitness beyond how I looked, which has been particularly valuable for me as a young woman.

I attribute working with Danny on weightlifting, as having one of the most positive impacts on my life”

Ash W.

“In just three months, Danny not only helped me overcome shoulder and hip impingements, but he also increased my snatch PR from 165 to 185 and my clean from 225 to 255. His attention to detail is unmatched. He can diagnose small technical issues you didn’t even know were holding you back, helping you rebuild your technique and unlock your full strength and athletic potential.”

Jack Y

“Blockage between shoulder blades and trapezius finally loosened. The next morning, I felt lighter and could breathe better!”

Vladamira K

“As a fitness professional, I tried everything to relieve my SI joint pain—doctors, physical therapy, rest—but nothing worked. Then I met Danny. In just a few weeks, his personalized approach and constant feedback helped me move pain-free and return to activities I thought were out of reach. Danny truly listens and tailors everything to your specific needs. He’s unlike anyone else I’ve worked with.”

Kristen A

“Everything about our training has helped me understand energy flow in my body, and was something I was trying to ‘feel’ for months before we started working together “

Angela A.

“I had been dealing with debilitating growing pain for weeks, and nothing worked—physical therapists, powerlifting coaches, nothing. In just the first week of working with Danny, I was almost completely pain-free with full hip range of motion. His step-by-step method is simple yet incredibly effective. If you’ve been struggling with chronic pain like I was, Danny is the coach to see.”

Danny K